The Station(s)
At a meeting conducted in Pete Manlove’s cottage it as approved by the membership to construct, on Bay Avenue a fire station consisting of two bays for equipment and a small kitchen area in the rear. This kitchen area is now used as a cloak room and bar area.
Ed Evans purchased tickets to sell concrete blocks for twenty-five cents a piece. Enough tickets were sold to pour footers and have the original two bays constructed by Lynam Fox. Mr. Howard Isaccs donated the material for the roof. Mr. George Draper donated doors and individual members donated yards of concrete to finish the floor. Mr. Dick Haber donated and installed the electrical work and Mr. Ed Evans donated a gas heater to heat the building. Thus was the beginning of our present day, multifaceted, modern fire fighting community building.
Upon completion of the original fire station and the purchase of our number 4 Ford/American La France pumper, it became apparent that the company should become a member of the state Fireman’s Association. Mr. Edward McClain of the DelMar Fire Department made a visit to Slaughter Beach and after observing the work, dedication, and community commitment evidenced by the progress of the fire company he became very instrumental in convincing the Sussex County Volunteer Fireman’s Association to accept the company into the associations. Slaughter Beach and Roxanna were accepted into the county and state associations and became Station 89 and 90 respectfully. These companies were referred to as the Twin Companies in the Sussex Association.
In the absence of a siren, pagers and radios, firemen were alerted through a phone network that originated at Junior Hitchen’s home. John Cross, a summer resident, donated a used siren from the Claymont, Delaware Fire Company and this was installed on a wooden tower next to the station in the early 1960’s. Shortly after installation of the siren some members purchased their own plectrons and the fire company began purchasing plectrons and radios for other members. These were in use until the mid 90s when they were replaced by modern pagers and upgraded radio communications for each truck. Present plans call for another upgrade to 800 MHz to better enhance communications with inter-company and the intra-county emergency services.
The land on the west side of Bay Avenue was purchased in 1981 and is a tract of 7 acres. This area is known as Fireman’s Park. In addition to the sub station this area also has a vehicle parking lot, tennis court, basketball court, recycling center and approximately 4 acres of grass used for parking on the 4th of July and for other fire company and community functions.