MVC Vehicle into a poleFriday, May 8, 2020
On May 8th at approximately 1438 hours, The Memorial Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched to the 300 block of Bay Ave for a reported motor vehicle collision with a vehicle into a pole. A-89 responded with a crew of two. When they went on scene, the report was confirmed that there was a vehicle into a pole and that Delmarva Power was needed Priority 1. EMS located the driver and started to assess them for any injuries. A pole number was provided to the EOC for Delmarva Power. Engine 89-2 under the direction for Chief Jester, responded with a crew of 3. Upon their arrival, Chief Jester assumed the Command. Engine/ Tanker 89-5 also responded to the scene. Crew members stablized the vehicle and remained on scene until the arrival of Delmarva Power. A-89 obtained a patient refusal. Scene was turned over to the Delaware State Police and Delmarva Power.
Units on scene: Ambulance A-89, Engine 89-2, Engine/Tanker 89-5, DSFP and DSP ![]() |